Experiencing infertility was a very painful matter for my husband and me. Like so many, we thought getting pregnant would just happen. Our decision to seek help was not one that we took lightly. We wanted to be certain that our decision to seek medical help would not go against God’s Will for our lives. There were many times when we thought “perhaps we’re not supposed to have our own children? Maybe we’re supposed to adopt?” We had met with another physician, but did not feel peace about him, and still were not sure about how we should or could proceed. His prognosis was not positive.

While we continued to seek the Will of God for our lives concerning this matter, we made our first consultation appointment with Dr. Brown. After meeting him, we felt very strongly that he should be our physician. Our respect for Dr. Brown came from him being a man who believes in God, but more importantly, he believes that God is the ONLY giver of life and that he is only an instrument used by God in the process. Dr. Brown counseled us regarding our particulars, and our doubts about having children quickly went away. For us, this was not just about having a child, this was about having a spiritual experience with God and we needed a physician who understood and embraced that.

As I’m sure many patients before us, we grew very attached to Dr. Brown and we were honored to have such an annointed Man of God with us on our journey and it meant absolutely everything to have him care for us. Throughout the entire IVF process, he maintained a genuine concern for what we were going through which made it feel very intimate, as I’m sure it is for everyone else who goes through this with Dr. Brown. We are certain that it is the Love of God that dwells within his heart that gave us such overwhelming Peace!

The Bible says in Psalm 113:9, “He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children”…………

Our two sons Major and Thor were born on October 12, 2009! ……after our first treatment of IVF!

With God, ALL things are possible….Our Faith was in God and Dr. Brown.