I have always wanted to be a mom. Always longed to hold and nurture something so miraculous. I got married late in life so I had given up on becoming a mother. My husband (who had a vasectomy 20 years ago) said, ‘Let’s do it, let’s have a baby.” I was ecstatic and nervous. After meeting with Dr. Brown and his staff, I learned I was of ‘advanced maternal age’. I’m 40. That’s not old. Life is just getting good!!
Since a vasectomy reversal isn’t very successful after 10 years, my husband had a procedure done to retrieve his sperm. (Bless his heart, it had to be painful).

We tried two rounds of IVF, but with low ovarian reserve, we only got 3 eggs each time. I remember after the first transfer I just knew I was pregnant. I mean, we got the egg, we got the sperm, Kevin (the embryologist) has them multiplying in his lab, Dr. Brown put them in. This is it. We’re pregnant. Sadly…no.
We go for round two. The same results.

We were pondering donor eggs from the beginning but wanted to give my eggs a try first. After two failed rounds, we decided to go with a donor. I wasn’t sure yet how to feel about using a donor but the more I prayed on it, I realized it didn’t matter. I was going to be the one carrying it, supplying blood and oxygen to nurture this baby into a being. We started the meds and the shots to get my womb ready to accept an embryo. We went in for the transfer on November 14, 2018. I cheated and took a pregnancy test on November 20. There was only one line so I knew it hadn’t worked. I threw it away. I walked outside and prayed and just talked to GOD. Wondering if this just wasn’t the path he had for me. I walked back inside a little voice said check it again. I pulled the pregnancy test out of the trash and I started shaking. There was the faintest upon faintest pink line. It had worked!! I was pregnant!

We went in for our 6 week check up with Dr. Brown and heard the heartbeat. Our miracle happened! Wheeler Mathis was born July 25, 2019 weighing 8 lbs 1 oz and 19.5 inches long.
Thank you Dr. Brown, Emily, Lauren, Tonya and the entire Brown fertility staff! We will be back to see you soon.