My boyfriend and I have been together since 2009 and knew that we wanted kids eventually, but after a few years of tracking and planning, we were getting nowhere. In October 2017, I finally got a positive test. We were so excited, but at our eight week ultrasound we were told that the baby was not developing and it was going to end in a miscarriage. Four weeks later – right before Christmas, I went to the ER with terrible stomach pains. The baby had been developing in my tube and ruptured. I had emergency surgery and they removed my right tube when they discovered that I had stage IV endometriosis and pelvic adhesive disease – finally providing a diagnosis for the struggle we had been having. I thought for sure our dreams of having a baby were over.
After recovering, I met with my OBGYN and he started me on Clomid. I requested an HSG test to see if my remaining tube was even functioning and as I suspected, it was completely closed. I just knew that was the end of the road. That’s when we were referred to Dr. Brown.
From the first consultation, we felt like this was where we were supposed to be. Dr. Brown made us feel like having a child was going to be easy. He told us that my problems were not that serious and I was actually a perfect candidate for IVF. By bypassing my tubes all together, we had a really great chance at getting pregnant. From finding a loan, learning how to use the medication, and going step-by-step through the process, everything seemed really easy with the help of the Brown Fertility staff. We started our first cycle in July 2018 and by mid-August, I was pregnant. I’ve always believed that everything happens for a reason but this really solidified that. If all of these things wouldn’t have happened, we would have never known what the problem was or met Dr. Brown and we wouldn’t have our miracle baby.
Myles was born May 4th, 2019 at a whopping 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long. We will forever be grateful for Drs. Brown and Rose and our embryologist, Kevin. Everyone at the office was so helpful and I just know we will be back for a snow baby or two in the next couple of years.