As we tried to conceive a baby over the past six years, we have experienced just about every human emotion. Our struggle with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) led to countless tears as we tried to understand why we were the “infertile ones” in our group of family and friends.

As Christians, we both knew that everything happens on God’s time, and that He doesn’t give us situations we can’t handle. But as we longed for a baby, our hearts were broken so many times.

Then we were referred to Dr. Brown. We still remember meeting him at our first consultation visit, and the way his gentle, empathetic style and heartwarming smile gave us hope for the first time ever.

Throughout our journey to conceive, Dr. Brown became so much more than our reproductive endocrinologist. He became our therapist, problem-solver, cheerleader, and – most importantly – our friend.

In September of 2009, our prayers and all Dr. Brown’s countless energy paid off as we conceived through IUI. At our last consultation visit prior to being transferred to a regular OBGYN, we shed more tears – this time of joy and gratitude – as we hugged the man who helped us make our dreams a reality.

When we recently took our son Tyler to meet Dr. Brown, we reflected on our extensive journey. We realized that every tear, frustrating moment, and disappointment was well worth it. And we were so thankful that Dr. Brown was our guide.

Greg and Dana