My husband Ben and I never imagined we would have to seek the assistance of fertility treatments when we started trying to have a family. It was through a few friends that we received the recommendation to meet with Dr. Brown. After our first consultation, I knew he was a wonderful person and an exceptional doctor. At that time he diagnosed me with PCOS; one month, a few shots, five days of pills and an IUI later we were pregnant! Neither my husband nor I will ever forget Dr. Brown’s words when we went in for our six week ultrasound. “There’s the heartbeat, it looks great….whoa! There’s another one!” It was at that moment that we learned we were having twins. We couldn’t be happier or more blessed to have our three and a half year old daughters, Rylan and Kailee.
Two and a half years later, we decided to try again. After a few months of negative pregnancy tests, we once again reached out to Dr. Brown. One month later and using the same process as before, we were pregnant! Only at this ultrasound, Dr. Brown’s cries of excitement were for one strong heartbeat. Nine months later, we gave birth to another happy and healthy baby girl, Makenna.
Through Dr. Brown’s compassionate and aggressive practices, we were given the miracles that we weren’t sure were possible. We couldn’t ask for a better man to have guided us through the most trying times of our lives. We will continue to recommend Dr. Brown to whomever comes our way. We are forever grateful to his work of life.
Thank you Dr. Brown and all of your associates!
Ben and Sarah