We don’t often share the hard parts of life but infertility impacts so many couples and is so rarely talked about that we feel it’s important to share our story when possible. We began trying for a family as soon as we got married in 2017. Six months later, no cycle, and a ton a negative pregnancy tests, we knew something was very wrong and sought out fertility treatments. I started my journey with a competing clinic and had a very disappointing experience. Several friends had previously started their families with the assistance of Brown Fertility so we scheduled a consultation and, ultimately, transferred to Brown. The experience was light years different. We felt so supported by the staff and confident in our path after meeting with the doctors and nurses at Brown Fertility.

In August of 2018 I underwent an egg retrieval and then a fresh embryo transfer. After two excruciating weeks we got the news that we were pregnant! Our daughter was born the following year and we have never been happier. Within the first month of her birth my husband and I knew our family was not yet complete and we would be returning to Brown Fertility in the hopes of adding a sibling. We completed a frozen embryo transfer in April of 2020 and on our daughter’s first birthday we got the news that I was pregnant again! A few short weeks later we heard two sweet little heartbeats beating away on the ultrasound. Only one baby survived the pregnancy but we are beyond grateful for our little miracle, Bennett.

Bennett was born a little more than three years after our first consultation with Dr. Brown and he made our hearts whole. He is such a sweet, snuggly baby and our entire family adores him. Bennett is his big sister’s favorite person and we could not be more grateful to Brown Fertility for helping us expand our family.

“That ugly part of your story that you’re living through right now is gonna be one of the most powerful parts of your testimony.”